marți, 8 august 2017

Events funny student

The period in which you are student it is the most beautiful for a young man. I say this from experience. I never thought, until getting to live that, as a college boy thing is so beautiful, even if I had heard from other colleagues some stories. I believe that I have lived this period of every young man in the part, not because it helps you to become something in life necessarily, but for all the memories you form here. I was impressed to see so many beautiful people with thinking so productive, and that made me not think for a second withdrawal. I think on me at least, the people here keep me more than school itself.

I'm sure you've all heard stories of students related to sex, clubs, sex shop, or other places like this that make youth more beautiful through certain experiences. Even if they seem funny, to live on your own skin is incredibly beautiful. Each experience living here makes you think about the beauty of life, to analyze each situation in itself and to choose every time the best way for you.

The stories of the students varies from person to person, and the pranks here are the best. The hangover happens the most fun things that can be retold for a long time and remain as funny as when they happened those things. For example, a colleague of mine has made a gift to another colleague a cock ring just for as expect to don't know what it is. We amused terrible when he called home and asked my parents about that object. 

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